I have been reading blogs for about 4 months now. I am hooked. It is so interesting to see what is going on in other people's lives. I have read about some incredible people.
I found "blogging" by accident. Justin was telling me about a Home Team at church that he was visiting and wanted me to look at their website. I thought it was interesting for them to have a website and wondered if other Home Teams might have them. I googled "Fellowship Church" and "Home Team" and came up with tons of blogs. Before that time, I didn't even know what a blog was or that they existed.
You start reading one and it connects to another and you can spend hours reading. You feel like you know these people, even though you have never met. There is one blog that I really enjoy reading. It is written by Barb at
A Chelsea Morning. She also writes weekly for another blog,
Faith Lifts.
Anyway, one of her recent posts asked everyone to write how you met your husband. So here it goes:
When I was in 8th grade I went to Nichols Jr. High and Pop's was in 9th grade at Bailey Jr. High. Everyone new that Bailey had all of the "hot" guys. One day when Nichols and Bailey were playing each other in football, I spotted Pop's. I thought I had died and gone to heaven. He was so cute. I told all my friends that he was mine. For two years, whenever I would see him I would just about have a heart attack. He didn't even know who I was.
For those two years, people were always going up to him and telling him about this girl that was madly in love with him. He still didn't know who I was.
One day in the summer of 1973 while we were both taking drivers ed, one of my friends met him and told him about me. She arranged for us to meet at the park for a baseball game that night. From that day on, we were a couple.
We waited for him to finish high school and college to get married. We always talked about it as though it was in our future. He was not very romantic back then, and one night on the phone while he was away at college, he told me I could go pick out my wedding ring. My mother, sister and I went and bought it. He told me to get what I wanted because that would be the only one I would ever have.
We married in November of 1978. He has gotten much more romantic over the years. For our 25th anniversary I got new ring. For my birthday the next year, he took the old ring and had it made into a necklace.
Twenty seven + years, four children and two grandchildren later, we are living happily ever after.